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Becoming a Community Provider Orientation

AL Dept. of Mental Health

Audience: Health centers that are seeking ADMH Provider Certification.  Presenter: ADMH The Alabama Department of Mental Health requires the completion of a two-phase orientation detailing the application process and providing the information you can use to determine whether your program has the current capacity to meet certification standards. Completing the orientation does not guarantee your […]

Emergency Preparedness and Response Peer Group

Live Virtual Training

Presenter: APHCA EP Team The EP Peer Group will meet and set priorities for 2023. In addition to that, they will discuss how to develop an outbreak plan for infectious diseases to maintain and recover during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an invitation-only work group. If you wish to join the Emergency Preparedness […]

Medicaid Application Assisters Training

Live Virtual Training

Presenter: Marie Dean, Alabama Medicaid Audience: Anyone interested in becoming an Application Assister Description: Assister Certification enables the individual to assist the patient in completing the online Medicaid application and receive eligibility outcome results within 30 minutes of completing the online application process. One representative from your agency can be certified as a Medicaid Assister […]

Mastering Health Center Fundamentals: Foundations

APHCA Training Center

APHCA Unlimited 2023 Training Mastering Health Center Fundamentals: Foundations Presenter: Mary Hayes Finch, President, and CEO, and Sharon Parker, CQO, APHCA Audience: New health center staff and management, board members Limited to 40 participants Attendees will receive a broad overview of the Health Center Program that will lay the foundation for the training series occurring […]

CLIMB: Moving Forward into 2023

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: APHCA Quality Team The first CLIMB session of the year will focus on looking ahead to 2023.  We will get back to CLIMB basics as well as discuss the future of the group.  There will be an introduction to the Clinically Integrated Network, data, and benchmarking and identify our clinical problem focus for the […]

Billing and Coding Bootcamp

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: Arch Pro Coding Audience: This class is specifically designed for clinical personnel (MD, DO, NP, PA, RN), coders, billers, EHR professionals, facility, and financial managers This training focuses on clinical documentation, coding, & billing for Rural Health Clinics. Though this class is designed to help facility managers and revenue cycle staff to pass the […]

Strengthening HC Workforce Cohort – Invite Only

APHCA Training Center

Audience: This is an invitation-only work group. For any questions, please email  Presenter: Latrice Lewis, APHCA Strengthening HC Workforce Cohort is a limited elite group of HR Leaders making collaborative efforts to improve and overcome workforce challenges and demands.  

Ending the HIV Epidemic – Culturally Appropriate Care

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: Dr. Letesha Elopre, the University of Alabama at Birmingham Audience: Clinical training for Providers, Quality, Compliance, CMO Limited to 40 participants This training will bring cultural sensitivity awareness to reduce the barriers around fully implementing screening, care, and treatment within the health center as well as assist them with successfully implementing a universal HIV […]

FTCA & PCMH Deep Dive

APHCA Training Center

Audience: Medical Directors, Risk Managers, Compliance Officers, CEOs, COOs, CMOs, CFOs, Grants Managers, Human Resources Managers.

ACO 101

APHCA Training Center

Audience: Health Center Finance, Operations, Quality Leaders

Finance Peer Group

APHCA Training Center

Audience: This is an invitation-only work group. If you wish to join the Finance Peer Group, please email