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Workforce Peer Group

Live Virtual Training

Presenter: Latrice Lewis, APHCA The Workforce Peer Group will review the Comprehensive Workforce Plan’s final steps and the process for implementation. This is an invitation-only work group. If you wish […]

Becoming a Community Provider Orientation

AL Dept. of Mental Health

Audience: Health centers that are seeking ADMH Provider Certification.  Presenter: ADMH The Alabama Department of Mental Health requires the completion of a two-phase orientation detailing the application process and providing […]

Emergency Preparedness and Response Peer Group

Live Virtual Training

Presenter: APHCA EP Team The EP Peer Group will meet and set priorities for 2023. In addition to that, they will discuss how to develop an outbreak plan for infectious […]

Medicaid Application Assisters Training

Live Virtual Training

Presenter: Marie Dean, Alabama Medicaid Audience: Anyone interested in becoming an Application Assister Description: Assister Certification enables the individual to assist the patient in completing the online Medicaid application and […]

Mastering Health Center Fundamentals: Foundations

APHCA Training Center

APHCA Unlimited 2023 Training Mastering Health Center Fundamentals: Foundations Presenter: Mary Hayes Finch, President, and CEO, and Sharon Parker, CQO, APHCA Audience: New health center staff and management, board members […]

CLIMB: Moving Forward into 2023

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: APHCA Quality Team The first CLIMB session of the year will focus on looking ahead to 2023.  We will get back to CLIMB basics as well as discuss the […]

Billing and Coding Bootcamp

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: Arch Pro Coding Audience: This class is specifically designed for clinical personnel (MD, DO, NP, PA, RN), coders, billers, EHR professionals, facility, and financial managers This training focuses on […]

Strengthening HC Workforce Cohort – Invite Only

APHCA Training Center

Audience: This is an invitation-only work group. For any questions, please email  Presenter: Latrice Lewis, APHCA Strengthening HC Workforce Cohort is a limited elite group of HR Leaders making […]

Ending the HIV Epidemic – Culturally Appropriate Care

APHCA Training Center

Presenter: Dr. Letesha Elopre, the University of Alabama at Birmingham Audience: Clinical training for Providers, Quality, Compliance, CMO Limited to 40 participants This training will bring cultural sensitivity awareness to […]

FTCA & PCMH Deep Dive

APHCA Training Center

Audience: Medical Directors, Risk Managers, Compliance Officers, CEOs, COOs, CMOs, CFOs, Grants Managers, Human Resources Managers.

ACO 101

APHCA Training Center

Audience: Health Center Finance, Operations, Quality Leaders